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Yes, Your Dog: New Dog Handling Signage

Inchinnan Development Trust

We were out last week installing new signage around Teucheen Wood to give dog owners some top tips to ensure their furry friends can make the most of the woodland while keeping it safe, clean, and enjoyable for all community members.

We love seeing dogs make the most of Inchinnan’s woodlands and greenspaces, but when discussing the risks of irresponsible handling and dog fouling, we often hear: “It’s not my dog”

However, it’s important to remember that all owners have a responsibility while out and about in our community:

Dog poo? Bag it, bin it.

Pick up after your dog to ensure our public spaces remain clean, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. Dog poo may carry diseases which harm people and wildlife.

Don’t put your dog or wildlife at risk.

All dogs retain their predatory instincts and may chase farm animals, putting them and your dog in danger. Keeping your dog on a short lead reduces risk around livestock and protects ground nesting birds in our fields and grasslands.

Tread carefully, stick to the path.

Sticking to designated paths helps to protect Teucheen Wood’s nesting animals, wildlife habitats, and ground flora while also ensuring the safety of your pets.

Lead by example.

Keep dogs under control. People may become alarmed if approached by an off-lead dog. To avoid disturbing others, keep dogs on a short lead or close at heel.


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