Community-led preservation and enhancement of Inchinnan's woodlands and greenspaces.
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Changes to the use and management of land within Inchinnan has lead to the destruction of natural habitats and isolation of those which remain, leaving them disconnected from the wider environment and ecological networks across the region.
Using our funding from The National Lottery and working alongside an ecological consultancy we hope to gain insight into the state and distribution of Inchinnan’s local habitats. This will allow us to identify areas which have been badly affected by habitat loss and fragmentation - eventually being able to develop a plan for restoring these and developing new nature networks.
This will not only help to enhance the spaces which are so important to our local community but will prevent biodiversity decline, protect wildlife and create greater ecological resilience to the challenges that climate change and other environmental stresses present.
Restoring and reconnecting Inchinnan's natural habitats.
What is habitat fragmentation?
Fragmentation occurs when a previously continuous habitat is broken up into smaller, separated patches (sometimes referred to as ‘habitat islands’).
It can occur naturally (e.g due to wildfires or floods) but mostly occurs due to human activity and modifications to land such as road/rail construction, urban development, and agriculture.
It reduces habitat availability, size and quality - wildlife becomes isolated to these smaller patches and can become cut off from important resources. This can lead to species extinction and the loss of plant and animal biodiversity.
What is a nature network and how do they help?​
A network consisting of restored and re-connected habitats where wildlife can flourish. It is based around fragments that remain when habitats are divided and isolated due to things like human interference or infrastructure (i.e habitat fragmentation).
Creating a nature network allows animals and plants to thrive within and move between their natural habitats. These networks help to increase biodiversity, reduce risk of species extinction and restore the overall health of our ecosystems. They also make habitats more resilient to issues that may come from environmental stresses (like climate change).